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This is all for fun, no actual trophies or plaques. Get all of your teammates to come on here and vote. We ask that only people involved in our league vote (players, coaches, umpires, etc.). Pick who you think is most the right pick… don’t just vote for your teammates. You probably won’t remember every […]

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Final League Stats are uploaded on the Stats tab but are also linked here below.  Only team missing for the Season is the Twins like usual. Final STATS PAGE as of 9/6 Congrats again to Glastonbury and a great season by all teams involved. Also, coming soon we will have any of you that wants to… […]

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After a back and forth championship series, Glastonbury pulled through in the final innings. It would be great if each of the teams in the finals did a write up.   ALSO DO YOUR STATS!!!   Finish all your team stats and send them in to Ken Cook and Chris Barsa. Playoff Schedule   Playoff […]

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Winner take all tonight as the final game of the season will determine the MTL Champion. Portland took game 1 in 8 innings (3-1) and Glastonbury won game 2 (9-1). 7pm at SW tonight to determine champion. Come on down to watch! As all the teams finish your seasons… don’t put it off… Finish all […]

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MTL Championship starts tonight. Elmers playoff run ended last night as their season is now over. Good luck to both Portland and Glastonbury. As all the teams finish your seasons… don’t put it off. Finish all your team stats and send them in to Ken Cook and Chris Barsa. Playoff Schedule   Playoff Bracket   […]

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