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The #6 Seed Bristol Knights have played a lot already this post-season, going 4-1 in the last week plus to get to the finals, along the way playing and beating the #5, #4, #3, and #2 seeds. Awaiting them in the finals is the team that beat them in ALL 4 matchups in the regular […]

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It is down to 4 teams… #1 Seed East Hartford Angels, #2 Seed and Defending Champions Glastonbury Pirates, #5 Seed and 2012 Champion Elmer’s, and #6 Seed and 2011 Champion Bristol Knights. Both the runner up from last year, Portland Panthers and the #3 Seed Tunxis Grill Indians were eliminated last night. Good Luck to […]

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Congratulations to all regular season statistical winners! Here is the link to our end of regular season stats.  We are missing the Angels stats from this list. STATS PAGE as of 8/2/14

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 Playoff Round 1 vs. Portland Panthers The polite way to describe how Justin Swiderski pitched on Monday night is “effectively wild.” The harsh way to describe it is probably “he had no idea where the ball was going.” And the truth is probably somewhere in between. Swiderski hit more batters (four) than he allowed hits (two) as […]

Read More The playoffs schedule, bracket, and final standings can be viewed here. We will do our best to keep this updated every day, along with the emails from the league to the managers.  

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