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Baseball starts the week of May 11th? We need you all to make sure you new players have filled out waivers, give us your rosters, and also make sure that if you have any sponsors you get us that info.

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This league has had a long and interesting history, and recently we decided to enter into another era. Finally we have a name that is true to who we are, the Connecticut Twilight League. Yes its broad in scope, and we know there are a bunch of other leagues in this state (and no disrepect […]

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Happy New Year everybody!  Hope you all had a nice Christmas/Holiday and New Year’s.  Ya its cold out and spring is months away still but we need to have our first league meeting in about a month.  Date of our first MTL meeting is Wednesday Feb 4th at 6pm.  Location of meeting is the Manchester […]

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This year has been an exciting one for the league. We brought in 2 new teams, the Moodus Nationals and the Chicago Sam’s Orioles, which kept our league at a strong 10 teams after the loss of the Tri-County Twins and Manchester Mayhem. Lots of new players joined the league this year, keeping the competition […]

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East Hartford took game 1 and Bristol took game 2. It’ll come down to tonight… who will pull off the biggest win of the year? Good luck to both teams

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