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Tonight, WED 5/1/2013… 6pm at Margaritas in East Hartford is the final league meeting. Bring your remaining balance of team dues you still owe. Chris will hand out baseballs. We can discuss the stat template, the Rules, and anything else one last time. Bring any filled out waivers for new players or any players on […]

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  I set up the team pages for the two new teams, the Manchester Mayhem and the Portland Panthers. Awaiting some info on the panthers to finish filling out their pages. Please welcome them to the league… we are looking forward to playing them. All other teams, also, you should check over your team page […]

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Next league meeting scheduled for Wed March 20, 6pm. Season to start the week of May 13th. 10 teams, 26 game regular season. Get over 25% off every bat you order from BWP!!! Use code: MTL13 on BWP website when you order online. Custom, pro bats, fast delivery with free engraving.

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The leagues first meeting in 2013 revealed what looks to be 2 new teams joining the MTL. The Portland Panthers will join the East Division while the Manchester Mayhem will join the Central Division (formerly West Division) A longer regular season with 26 games for each team. 2 home and 2 away vs your own […]

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We’ve started a twitter account to share stuff with all of you. Follow us! @MTLBaseball

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