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 Playoff Round 1 vs. Portland Panthers The polite way to describe how Justin Swiderski pitched on Monday night is “effectively wild.” The harsh way to describe it is probably “he had no idea where the ball was going.” And the truth is probably somewhere in between. Swiderski hit more batters (four) than he allowed hits (two) as […]

Read More The playoffs schedule, bracket, and final standings can be viewed here. We will do our best to keep this updated every day, along with the emails from the league to the managers.  

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Recently on ESPN’s SPORTSCENTER, Elmer’s very own Jay Crawford got some props from his co-host Sara Walsh… and a little ribbing too. You can see the clip on youtube, here: MTL Mention on SPORTSCENTER or here:

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Monday night at Muzzy… Game 1,  Earl Oakes looked sharp to start the game. After giving up a run in the 1st, Earl mostly dominated the Panthers batters the next 3 innings, until they finally got to him in the 5th, putting up a 5 spot on Earl. We brought in Rick Blais to finish the […]

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EAST HAMPTON>> Chris McGrath was dealing. Through the first four innings, the Bristol left-hander didn’t allowe a base-runner. Soft ground ball after soft ground ball and a shattered bat was all the Expos had to show — until the fifth. Before taking the field in the top of the fifth, Brian Kohn was overheard in the […]

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