
We continue to monitor the COVID19 situation and how it will impact our 2020 season. As we all know, the situation changes by the hour. We, as a board are very hopeful to be able to get back to what is desperately needed in our lives, and that is baseball. As a lot of you around the league know us, many have heard us say this a million times that “life comes first”, and this couldn’t be more obvious with the events going on in the world. We felt compelled today, to write to you and let you know we are moving forward in planning with the 2020 season. At this point, we have no clue when we can get back outside again. We wanted to make ourselves clear and we will exhaust every avenue and leave no stone left unturned as we try and build towards baseball.
Internal discussions on how to approach this summer have begun. And we ask that every manager be flexible if/when we are able to play again. As of today, we know that the Governor of CT has stated that school will stay closed until May 20th. This seems to be the earliest we could potentially start the season. If this changes, we’ll let you know. We will make sure to communicate with the league and update everyone, via our managers group chat as we get new information. For now, hunker down and lay low. Stay as healthy as you can and spend some QT with the family. Keep working out and doing what you can to stay ready to play. We know this will get more difficult as the weather gets warmer, but just know we will do whatever we can to get back out there. We can tell you, from a personal standpoint that we all miss grinding out the season with everyone, having big moments, playing in big games, celebrating with teammates. Heck, Some of us even miss yelling at the umps! This will pass, and the CTL will be back better than ever, that is OUR PROMISE TO YOU.


Don Fodaski
Scott Dickens
Chris Barsa
Brian Timmes
(The CTL Board of Directors)