It comes down to this… the Black Sox and the Indians go to the final and deciding game 3, 7pm tonight (THU 8/20/20) at Muzzy Field. In game 1 on Wednesday night, the Black Sox offense was able to get to Mike Lord and add runs through out. The Indians scratched back late in the game they were able to come within one of tying… even having the tying run thrown out at the plate. But right away the Black Sox answered and added a few more to take a bigger lead. Tom Curtin pitched extremely well in the start and Mike Krieger in relief. Game 1 ended Black Sox 7 – Indians 4. In game 2, the Indians Jordan Muchin was in charge throughout. Jordan held the leagues best regular season team to 2 hits and no runs. The Indians had a hard time scoring off starter Jake Kawiecki until late, when they opened their 1-0 lead up to 5-0… where it stayed. On to game 3 we go. May the best team win.