After a fantastic regular season in 2014 and falling 1 win short of a MTL Championship last year, the East Hartford Angels find themselves at the top of our 2015 CTL Preseason Coaches Poll. All 10 teams had a vote in  the first annual CTL Preseason Power Rankings. To the right of the rankings will be team points (earned on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis) and number of first place votes (in parentheses):

1. East Hartford Angels – 92 (4)

2. Glastonbury Pirates – 86 (4)

3. Brickhouse Indians – 75 (2)

4. Bristol Knights – 68

5. Elmer’s Silver Bullets – 65

6. Portland Panthers – 55

7. Moodus Nationals – 37

8. Chicago Sam’s Orioles – 31

9. Willimantic Ridges – 24

10. Loco Perro Expos – 17


A longer preview article will follow before the first game of the spring.


Thanks to Brian LaRochelle for putting this together.