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Archive for 2014

The Panthers beat the Orioles in Portland on Thursday night. Chris Legiadre pitched a complete game shutout, allowing only 4 hits to notch his 1st win. On the offensive side for the Panthers, John Stetz had 2 hits, including a triple and 2 runs scored. James Bolstridge also went 2 for 3 with 2 RBI […]

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The Moodus Nationals hosted the Portland Panthers on opening night at Memorial Field. The Nationals took a quick 1-0 lead in the bottom of the 1st inning on an RBI single by SS Cody Depensia. Mike Baccaro pretty much dominated the rest of the game on the mound for the Panthers as he pitched a […]

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Welcome to the league, Chicago Sam’s Orioles and Moodus Nationals… Glastonbury Pirates, our defending champs are now the team to beat, and will likely be getting the toughest opposing pitchers on their way trying to repeat. All coaches: Remember to send in your scores to Chris Barsa daily, and send in your stats to Chris, […]

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The season opens on Monday, with both new team’s the Moodus Nationals and Chicago Sam’s Orioles hosting teams. The 2014 season continues, again with 10 teams. The Manchester Mayhem are not back in 2014, and the Tri-County Twins split up and partially reformed into the Chicago Sam’s Orioles. We will be playing at a bunch […]

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Fellas, make sure you are doing everything necessary before the final league meeting. Get your sponsors squared away, make sure you’ve got a big enough roster and collect money from your players, order some bats, get your field dates and permits… and I’m sure lots more I’m not thinking of. I’ll be updating various parts of […]

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