I set up the team pages for the two new teams, the Manchester Mayhem and the Portland Panthers. Awaiting some info on the panthers to finish filling out their pages. Please welcome them to the league… we are looking forward to playing them. All other teams, also, you should check over your team page and send me (Scott) and Chris Barsa any updated info you have about your page… and I’ll get it up on the site ASAP. I know some of you have different coaches, fields, and especially sponsors… so send them in. If your team has a sponsor that you want on the site, get me a link to their site and we’ll get them up on your page, and potentially the front page if you name your team after them. Its a good tool to get your team some money, offer them a link and mention on the league site.

• Also, check out the new baseball for games for this and next year. Chris got them to put our league logo on them… they look great.

• Make sure you are getting all your new guys to fill out waivers before practicing with them.

• Also, don’t forget you can put in orders with our league sponsor www.BWPbats.com and use code MTL13 to get substantial savings off your bat order.

• Follow us on twitter… @MTLBaseball

• At your games and practices this year, if you have any good pictures, post them to instagram with the hashtag #MTLBaseball and they will pop up in the rotation on the league website front page.

Happy Easter and Passover and see you all soon.

– Scott


thanks for the picture Chris.New_MTL_baseball